Title IX

Gettysburg School District Title IX Coordinator is Wendy Smith. Our Title IX Policy is part of the GSD Policy https://5il.co/2r6pn, and is part of the handbook https://5il.co/2amve.

All complaints regarding Sexual Harassment should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator who oversees the Gettysburg School District review, investigation, and resolution of any reports of Sexual Harassment. The Title IX Coordinator is available to advise any individuals about courses of action under this policy. The Title IX Coordinator’s contact information is provided below.

The Gettysburg School District attended the KSB Law Title IX training on Monday, July 29th.

Wendy Smith
Title IX Coordinator
100 E King Ave
Gettysburg, SD 57442
(605) 765-2436 wendy.smith@k12.sd.us