Friendly reminder- school picture day is this Tuesday, September 19th. Order pictures by searching your child's name at this link: http://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/pictureDayId/EVTNJN89R
Enter SAVEFIVE for $5 off an order of $40 or more!

The 2nd and 3rd grade classes brought their Homecoming spirit to the manor this morning with some coloring and visiting with the residents!

Homecoming 2023! Inspired by the Golden Girls!

4th grade Battler fans!

Gettysburg Elementary students
were the "Golden Girls (and boys)!"

Class Wars- 1st Grade was Magic School Bus!

Bluey characters!

Attention GHS Alumni! You are invited to play with the pep band tomorrow night for the football game. If you would like to play, please be at the field by 6:25. Hope to see you there!

Eureka Jamboree schedule!

Feeling the love for Mr. Smith around here today!

Congratulations to our Homecoming Court, and to King Carter and Queen Greta!

Spread the Word! Let's show the Smith family our love and support!

Join us for the Senior Financial Aid Night (Tues. Sept 12, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Room 203 (by the business office). Thank you!

Coronation tonight will be on Facebook Live at 7:30 from the Gettysburg School District page!

Battler Breakfast is ready! Join us!

Don't forget to join us for the Battler Breakfast to kick off Homecoming! Tomorrow morning 7:30-8:00AM. Community, parents, students, ALL are welcome!!

Here is the JH/JV schedule for tomorrow's Jamboree!

Gettysburg parents, the Lifetouch envelopes sent home with elementary students last week have the wrong code printed on them.
Lifetouch has asked that all parents use the following link to order. We will send the link again the day of pictures, Sept. 19th.

Thank you again to those who donated local beef and processing, look at this great lunch!!

Due to poor air quality, the cross country meet scheduled in Hoven today has been cancelled