During this 3rd quarter, the 6th graders had the opportunity to job shadow at local businesses in Gettysburg. They spent either the morning or afternoon with one or more employees. We are very thankful for our community businesses for taking time out of their busy schedule to help educate our students.
Vilas Pharmacy
Total Images
C&B Operations
Avera Oahe Manor
Ed Wager Electric
Langer Family Foods
Potter County News
Gettysburg Flowers
Potter County Highway Department

Thank you Izzy Mikkelsen for hosting the Spread the Word event to highlight including others!

We had a wonderful group of nominees for our 2023-24 Teacher of the Year....and the winner is Mrs. Christy Saltsman!!! Mrs. Saltsman teaches MS math and K-12 PE. We are beyond lucky to have her. Congratulations, Mrs. Saltsman!

Join us in celebrating Read Across America Week! Here is the list of the dress-up days for Pre-K to 5th Grade!

Please join us as we announce our 23-24 Gettysburg Teacher of the Year. All are welcome to help us celebrate!

Join us tomorrow at 2:30 to discuss the 2024 Legislative Session!

Reminder that tomorrow from 6:45-8am is the FFA’s Businessman’s Breakfast. All are welcome to come! The menu includes sausage, pancakes, and eggs as well as milk, orange juice, or coffee.
Ag students need to report to the school by 6:40am to help with the breakfast.

Here we go BATTLERS!!! https://www.youtube.com/live/p16WrziuSjk?feature=shared

Join in the FFA Week fun, grades 6-12 dress up days posted on the app, website, and Facebook!

Congratulations to Lane Stuwe and Nicholas Schlachter on their region wrestling success! Off to STATE!!!

Baskets4Beef Fundraiser this Friday at BBB game

School Board Recognition Week is February 19-24, 2024. Please thank these passionate individuals who volunteer their time to help make our school the best!

For those that cannot attend, here is the livestream for Mr. Smith's service on Sunday, February 18th, at 2pm.

We are excited to welcome Region 1B Wrestling Participants to Gettysburg on Saturday, February 17th!

Mr. Smith’s Gettysburg Service will be this Sunday, February 18th. Visitation will be at 1pm, with the funeral service starting at 2pm in the old gym. We invite everyone to stay at the school after the service for light refreshments, served by the Gettysburg Staff.
We invite all past and present Battler staff, coaches, and school board members that have worked with Vern over his 37 years of service to the district. Spouses/significant others are welcome to sit as a group. We will meet in the new gym at 1:30 to gather and walk into the service together. Please use staff parking. Wear your favorite Battler gear!
Please share this information with any past staff, coaches, or board members. We ask that you sign up using the link below, so we can get a count of how many chairs are needed for the service.

It's not too late to get your Teacher of the Year nominations in! Nominations are due by Friday, February 15th. Please find the nomination form here... https://forms.gle/R56gqGmhQHUZ1d2o8

❤️ Our Battler Family is missing a big piece of our hearts today. We are all better humans for working with and learning from Coach Smith ❤️

Little Lady Battler Night, Tuesday, February 13th, for GBB players grades 1st-5th.

Correction: boys play at 4, girls at 5:30!

Click on the link to watch DRG's Livestream of the PC Girls bball at 4 and the Boys bball at 5:30 Saturday, February 10th! www.drgnews.com/kmlo